OnePlus plans to fix glaring smartphone security flaw allowing easy root access

OnePlus has a glaring smartphone security problem the company says it plans to fix in an upcoming software update. Just this week, a bit of fan sleuthing surfaced a flaw ostensibly due to oversight that meant that, over the past couple of years, OnePlus phones (including the recently released OnePlus 5) have carried a Qualcomm testing app called EngineerMode.

The app provides users with root-level access to the phone without needing to unlock its bootloader, according to Engadget. In other words, a malicious user would need to physically grab your phone in order to take advantage of the bug. Yet once they gained that access, they could plant trackers or malware easily.

A staff member from the OnePlus team explained in a forum post that…

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OnePlus plans to fix glaring smartphone security flaw allowing easy root access syndicated from

Author: Lift Lie

I love to think outside of the box and provide creative sharing to solve problems. I am here to guide you legal and ethical methods to get you the right information, when you need. This is my passion and I am doing it for more than three decades to dig up the critical information no one else can get their hands on. I also work as part time investigative reporter to keep my sense active.