Google’s AR design guidelines aren’t complete shit, but should be better

When Google and Apple announced their mobile augmented reality (AR) platforms last summer, they rocked the 3D world. Almost overnight, Google’s ARCore and Apple’s ARKit shifted the center of gravity for 3D UX design away from headsets like the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR toward already ubiquitous mobile devices. ARCore and ARKit sparked interest in 3D from a new — and huge — group of designers and developers with experience building 2D mobile applications. They also added confusion to an already chaotic field. At the time, 3D workflows were a hodgepodge of tools and design patterns borrowed from…

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Google’s AR design guidelines aren’t complete shit, but should be better syndicated from

Author: Lift Lie

I love to think outside of the box and provide creative sharing to solve problems. I am here to guide you legal and ethical methods to get you the right information, when you need. This is my passion and I am doing it for more than three decades to dig up the critical information no one else can get their hands on. I also work as part time investigative reporter to keep my sense active.