HTC unveils higher-resolution Vive Pro VR headset with built-in headphones

HTC is refreshing its Vive headset with a new Pro model today. The original Vive debuted nearly two years ago, and the new Vive Pro is clearly designed to address some of the complaints of that earlier headset. HTC is increasing the resolution of the dual-OLED displays to 2880 x 1600 (1400 x 1600 per eye, and 615 ppi), a 78 percent increase from the 2160 x 1200 (1080 x 1200 per eye) resolution in the current Vive. This resolution increase should help with clearer text rendering and overall graphics, and the bump puts the Vive Pro beyond the Oculus Rift or Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

Alongside the resolution increase, HTC has also redesigned the Vive Pro’s headstrap and added built-in headphones. One of the complaints of the original…

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HTC unveils higher-resolution Vive Pro VR headset with built-in headphones syndicated from

Author: Lift Lie

I love to think outside of the box and provide creative sharing to solve problems. I am here to guide you legal and ethical methods to get you the right information, when you need. This is my passion and I am doing it for more than three decades to dig up the critical information no one else can get their hands on. I also work as part time investigative reporter to keep my sense active.