Twitter demonstrates the future of Windows 10 apps

Microsoft revealed earlier this year that the company will fully support Progressive Web Apps (PWA) in Windows 10. These new apps use the latest web technologies to make websites work better offline, and include support for push notifications. They’re lightweight apps, and many companies are starting to shift their mobile apps towards PWAs. Microsoft is planning to allow PWAs in the company’s Microsoft Store, and Twitter is the first major example.

Twitter has been working on its Windows 10 app for years, but its always been behind the features you find on Twitter’s native iOS and Android apps, or the web version of the service. A new design launched in 2015, followed by new features in 2016, but Twitter never even added 280 character…

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Twitter demonstrates the future of Windows 10 apps syndicated from

Author: Lift Lie

I love to think outside of the box and provide creative sharing to solve problems. I am here to guide you legal and ethical methods to get you the right information, when you need. This is my passion and I am doing it for more than three decades to dig up the critical information no one else can get their hands on. I also work as part time investigative reporter to keep my sense active.